
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our little duck!

Tonight Nate gave Kenna his hat to wear while we were in the car. After looking at it she said, "There's an ABC on daddy's hat!". Nate said, "Yep, it's an 'O' for Oregon". She immediately replied, "No, it's an O for 'Go Ducks'!" We were very proud! :)

Other recent funnies from Kenna:
*I was outside of the bathroom while she was sitting on the potty with her play-phone in hand. I heard her say "I'll call you after I get the kids down for a nap 'cuz I'd love to chat! Okay love you, bye!" (Wow, does she really listen that much!)
*After getting shampooed in the tub, she very seriously stated "Mom, this isn't a good plan after all!"
*In her prayer at dinner: "Bless that the whole world will make good plans." (very thoughtful!)
*On our way to pick up Nate to head to dinner: "Mom, my tummy says 'I'm not hungry, I'm healthy so I just need to go to daddy's school.' I swear."
*On our hike the other day, she also randomly decided that we needed two dogs and the girl would be named Nelly (I don't know where she got that, we've never said that name in her life!) and the boy would be Clifford. We thought she'd forget about it, but here 3 days later she's telling me "Nelly and Clifford will lick my face and Sage will take care of them".


  1. Okay, so I laughed REALLY hard when I read that part about when Kenna said "Nelly and Clifford will lick my face and Sage will take care of them". That girl's got plans...hehe I love it :)

  2. She also said as she put my hat on, "Look now I'm a daddy!" Guess that's all you need - a baseball hat.
