
Friday, May 20, 2011

Praise to the Man!

I have to take a minute and brag about how dang smart Makenna is! I am the primary chorister in our ward and have been working on teaching the kids "Praise to the Man". I love the song, but it is an incredibly difficult one for the kids to learn because of all the words they don't understand. With all songs I have to teach, I memorize them myself first by singing them to my girls...over and over! I guess I did that with "Praise to the Man" as well, I just didn't realize how much Kenna was paying attention. One day she said she wanted to sing the "man song" and then proceeded to sing the entire song on her own - every word! Because it was so dang cute, I recorded it for proof. Here it is:

How many 3 year-olds can do that?


  1. Wow! She did really good. She is so cute. :)

  2. That. Was. DARLING! You should be such a proud mama! :)

  3. Guess I was signed in as Jared when I wrote my comment! :)

  4. THAT is impressive! Even Sean is sitting here pretty freakin impressed by that :)

  5. Kenna is a good example (big sister) to show Sage how to sing and memorize. She is a doll and Grandpa Mike is so proud of you and Sage. We love you..keep it up!
