
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sage turns 2!!

Yesterday we celebrated our littlest cutie turning 2.  Happy Birthday Sage!!  I can’t express how thankful I am to have that sweet little girl in our family.  Sage truly is sunshine in our home and I can’t imagine life without her.  She is spunky, sweet, stubborn, smart, very sensitive to others and a major ham.  She keeps us on our toes but also has us laughing all the time.  She and Kenna are the best of friends and I am so thankful for how well they play together.  Sage picks up all sorts of things from Makenna (good & bad), but Makenna seems to follow Sage’s example more than the other way around (which is not usually a good thing as Makenna is a much better listener!).  A few of my favorite things about Sage – 

*She asks “how you doin’?” about 30 times a day, always in the sweetest voice with a cocked head and true interest in your reply.   If you ask her back, she always responds with “good…how are you doin?” even if she already asked you first.  Love it!

* At the rate she’s going, she is going to be the best mom in the world when she grows up (not to mention babysitter!).  She quite literally is obsessed with babies and cares for her dolls like they are real children.  She’s always feeding them, wrapping them up, singing them bedtime songs, rocking them to sleep and then making sure everyone is quiet so they don’t wake up.  It is adorable.  

* Sage is an amazing observer.  You sing her a song a few times & she can sing it on her own (her version anyway!). She’s really big on doing things “herself” and loves to mimic things we do (like insisting she has a coaster for her cup at dinner).  Overall I think she learns more from Makenna than Nate & I though, because no matter how many times we say “pour”, Sage still says “tour”, even after time & time again correcting her…just like her big sister. :)

For her birthday this year, we decided to stretch the celebration over 2 days.  Friday was her actual birthday, and when I asked her what she wanted to do, she said “put up our tent”…so that’s what we did!  When Nate got home we had a pizza party, opened presents and then watched Tangled all together in the tent.  It was a blast!  My favorite part was watching Sage open her presents.  Makenna gave her a Barbie & My Little Pony and Sage started squealing, “thank you SO much, thank you SO much!” over and over.  It was the cutest thing ever.  This morning we started off with Mickey Mouse pancakes and then spent the day as a family shopping and playing at the park.  After dinner we had birthday cake – Sage’s requested ‘pink monkey’!  It was a chocolate cake filled with banana pudding and of course the girls devoured it.   It was a fantastic 2 days spent together as a family, especially because we got to celebrate our little Miss Sage.  We love you princess!

What a big kid!

 Of course she chose olives as part of her birthday lunch...they love em!

 Getting ready for our tent party!

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