
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The "new" me!

Scoot over my poor-eyesight friends - I have now officially joined the club (rather hesitantly)!  Last week I had my first ever optometrist appointment & yes, I need glasses. Thank you pregnancies!  Anyway, I just got them yesterday & it's been quite the adjustment.  I feel like I have super-human eyesight!  Everything is super sharp & crisp far away, which is rather strange for me.  I didn't realize how blurry my vision really was.  Apparently I am in the "near-sighted" club, which has it's perks...I only have to wear my glasses for driving, watching movies, etc, & the Dr. said it'll probably keep me out of reading glasses a lot longer when I'm older.  Sounds good to me! 

This morning I wore them for the first time driving to work & it made me a little nauseated.  I think they're going to take some getting used to!  Anyway, I thought I'd complete the new look with a short haircut so there's a whole new me!

Here's a preview (I just got home from work, so please excuse the scrubs & "undone" hair)

Anyway, just thought I'd share what's new at the Wolfley household.  Nate is in the thick of finals studying, so he's super busy, but we are all looking forward to a great break for Thanksgiving.  Hope you all have a fabulous holiday, too. Can't wait to eat till I can't breathe! :)


  1. You are seriously so pretty! I'm supposed to wear glasses when I drive to but I rarely to never do. Maybe I should try them out. :) I miss you guys. Hope we get to see you soon.

  2. You look so cute!! I've been wearing glasses for years now and after having Presley it's even harder! I have to wear mine ALL the time though :/ I'm hoping to join the LASIK club soon :) I miss seeing your cute self! Have a happy Thanksgiving!
    P.S you'll get used to them! It's always an adjustment every time I get a stronger prescription.

  3. I love the frames you chose! So cute! And congrats on the baby boy!
