
Friday, October 29, 2010

My Girls

I know I frequently am writing about my girls, but what can I say, they are my life! They are constantly making me smile and I want to remember the fun stages they are going through. So here’s a little update on my two favorite little girls…As I have said many times, Makenna LOVES to sing. I don’t even turn on the radio when I’m driving, she literally sings that much. However, occasionally she mixes up songs or words, which only makes me smile more. The other day in the car her song went something like this: “Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowd cause I am a child of God and he has sent me here, has given me an earthly home, with parents kind and dear. Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, for it’s one, two, three strikes you’re out at the old ball-game!” How can I not love that girl? That same car ride she also decided to tell a story to Sage. It went: “There were three little pigs who built a house and a girl went in and found some oatmeal but it was TOO hot so she said ‘I’ll blow your house down’. Then she found some oatmeal but it was TOO cold and she wanted it just right so she took a nap. The end.” Sage might be a little mixed up on her stories when she gets older! :) I just love this age!

Sage is also at a super fun age. She is so happy and goofy and just perfectly independent. Not quite to the “I wanna do it myself” stage, but enough that she’ll play alone for half an hour while I make dinner. She signs please, more, eat and all done and says Mama, Dada, uh-oh and ta-da! She can point to eyes, nose, mouth and ears and I swear understands everything we say. She dances when she hears any music (even my phone ringing!) and is super snuggly before bed…my favorite! She loves to wave, blow kisses and purposely scrunch up her nose when she laughs. She always folds her arms when we sit down to eat – at one year old she’s already reminding us to pray! What a sweetheart.

In short, these girls are the light of our lives. Nate and I are two lucky parents! I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for trusting me and blessing me enough to be their Mama. I love my girls.


  1. You DO have the most adorable girls, and they have the best mom ever! :) MaKenna is HILARIOUS! Lol, I almost died laughing at the lyrics you wrote above!

  2. Oh my Brookie!!! I love reading these funny stories about you girls! It cracks me up and makes me miss you! Loves!
