
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

FIVE down, ONE to go!

Another semester of law school down and only ONE more to go!!  Nate officially finished his last final today and we both couldn’t be happier.  It’s been a while since he’s gone to bed before midnight or one and he has studied just about every waking minute for the past several weeks.  No fun for anyone!  Hopefully now he can relax and maybe take a nap or read a book. (That is if I can restrain myself from jumping in with the honey-do’s!  I’ll do my best.)  :)  Now he only has 2 days of work and then we are off to visit family for the holidays for 3 weeks!!  (I know, spoiled, huh?  This will probably be the last long vacation we’ll ever have – the one benefit of being in school – so we’re going to take advantage of it!)  I can’t WAIT to spend time with everyone and have my little family all together.  Looking forward to that trip & Nate’s break is truly what has gotten me through these crazy last few weeks.  That and having my sweetest Mother-in-law come visit! 

Can I just say how spoiled I am to have such a wonderful Mother-in-law?  Susan flew up to Oregon last week to spend time with us girls during one of Nate’s finals weeks and we had a fabulous time!  I am so blessed to have a mother-in-law who I adore & who makes it a priority to keep in touch frequently whether by phone calls, Skype or visits.  We love spending time with her!!  She has such a special relationship with Makenna and Sage and they absolutely love her.  While she was here we tried to relax a little bit, but we still had plenty of fun!  We took the girls to see Arthur Christmas in the theater one day and went bowling another.  Susan also watched the girls one night so that Nate & I could have a date night.  My favorite!!  It was wonderful to have someone around while Nate was so busy.  It also definitely helped with my sanity and allowed Nate to have more uninterrupted study time.  Thank you so much Susan!! 

The rest of this week is FULL of Christmas parties, work, packing, cleaning, get-togethers and more packing.  If we can get out of the house by Saturday I will be amazed!!  I am so thankful that Nate will be around to help out and that we have the sweetest and most patient little girls in the world.  Makenna and Sage both love to help with housework (although usually it tends to just slow me down, but it’s cute nonetheless & I appreciate their enthusiasm!).  They also have been so good at entertaining themselves in their playroom or playing make-believe around the house if they know I have lots to do.  I am so thankful to have had 2 girls first who are close in age because they are the best of friends and it makes my life so much easier!  Oh how I love my girls! 

Speaking of my little munchkins, there are a few things they have said lately that I wanted to make sure to jot down so I wouldn’t forget.  This is definitely the age of the best kid catch-phrases.  They keep me laughing!!  Here are a few of my favorites:

Nate offered to help Kenna put on a movie so that he could get some studying done & said he’d watch it with her for a few minutes.  She immediately picked out Anastasia and said “it’s a scary one, but don’t worry about it Dad, I’ll protect you.  You don’t need to be afraid…and I know how to skip the scary parts!”  What a sweetheart!

The girls were playing “the 3 little pigs” in their hamper-fort while I was sorting laundry (of course I get the role of the big bad wolf!).  I said my part and Sage (as one of the pigs) yelled out, “don’t eat us Wolf, just eat chicken!”  I still don’t know how she came up with that on her own but it sure made me laugh!

Each morning I let the girls pick out which cereal they want to eat.  Inevitably they pick out 2 or 3 and have a mix.  Sage loves this tradition and one morning ran down to pick out her cereal.  As she grabbed out the boxes she named them saying “I want Life and Chex and Cavity Creeps!”  What are cavity creeps you ask?  Captain Crunch of course!  I guess I should preface that by saying that whenever we brush the girls’ teeth we say we are trying to smash all the cavity creeps that get in their mouths.  It is very effective!  …And probably very fitting for Captain Crunch!

The other day the girls were playing house in the playroom.  I overheard Kenna say to Sage “first Moms & Dads get in the car, then they go to the temple and get married.  Then they come home to their house and it is their own house.  Then they take naps and go to friends’ houses and go to the store and buy stuff…that’s what they do.  Okay Sage?  That’s what they do!”  If only it were that simple!

I also occasionally wonder if maybe they need a few more girl friends.  Most of their friends are boys (and we love them all), but I can definitely tell when they’ve been playing with boys a little too much.  Their favorite games with their buddies are “super heroes,” (Makenna’s power is always running fast), monsters under the blanket and catching bad guys.  When they got out their dress-ups the other day (just Kenna & Sage), I asked if they were princesses & Sage immediately shouted in her best mean voice “I’m a princess bad guy!”

This was the sign we made for the girls to hold when we picked up Grandma from the airport.  They were SO excited! 
 Movie time
 At the bowling alley

 At least at one point we were all tied...then I kind of got creamed (even by the girls!).  And yes, I did name Susan "Granny", and even after much effort, she couldn't figure out how to change it. :)
 Sage loved climbing in the ball returns & pretending she was taking a bath.  Real clean & safe, I know.

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