
Friday, December 2, 2011

IT'S A....


Nate and I are SO excited to be expecting a third little munchkin into our family next April!  We had the big ultrasound yesterday and are even more excited (& a little nervous) to be having a BOY join our family!  I'm still a little bit in shock because I thought for sure it was another girl, but I couldn't be more thrilled for this new adventure.  I'm pretty sure Nate is on cloud 9 because afterward he said he was too excited to study, so instead we celebrated and went out to dinner! :)  Guess I found the trick to pull him away from finals studying!  It was especially fun because Nate's mom, Susan flew in yesterday just hours before the ultrasound & was able to come with us!  The girls are in heaven having Grandma here and I'm loving having an adult around for the next few days while Nate is buried in books.

So far the pregnancy has been easy and I've been feeling great!  The only downside is how much faster I started showing this time.  I don't know if it's just because it's my third or what, but I'm feeling pretty huge!  To tell Nate that I was expecting, the girls and I colored pictures to hang on the garage door for him to see when he got home.  This was my picture (with some help from the girls):

I had to laugh because of course I didn't tell the girls what we were announcing, they just thought we were coloring pictures for Dad.  Kenna saw mine and said "Look Mom, our family is building a snowman!"  I guess my baby in our family picture wasn't my best artwork. :)  Of course now the girls know about the new addition coming and are so happy!  They pray for the "baby in mommy's tummy" every day and Kenna will rub my belly and say "I'm tickling our baby mom!".  They are going to be the best big sisters.  Before we knew the gender, we would ask the girls what they thought the baby would be.  The first thing Makenna said was "I want it to be a son baby for daddy!".  We were a little confused at first thinking a "sun" baby??, but eventually figured out she wanted a "son" baby...rather than a daughter.  Very thoughtful! 

Anyway, we couldn't be happier for this new adventure - now I just can't wait for the little guy to get here!  It'll sure be a change in our household from all the pink & princess EVERYTHING, but it will be a great one!  We could use a mini Nate around here. :) 

Our handsome little guy...can't wait!!


  1. Congrats! To all of you, I am so glad that this pregnancy is going well for you.

  2. Yeah!!! So exciting. The girls told me you were expecting. I wasnt sure how far along you were. That is fun you are having a boy. Remember how early I started to show... it must be the third:) Hope you are doing well!

  3. BROOKE!!! Congratulations! I am SO excited for you guys! A little boy. That is so exciting! And you are so right - Makenna and Sage will be the BEST big sisters! And this little boy of yours is just being born into the most amazing family ever. What sweet little pictures! Can't wait to meet him when he's born! :)

  4. Congrats Brooke! So happy and excited for you all!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I saw your cute little belly yesterday in church and wondered...But you know how you don't ask until there's an announcement? lol But I'm so excited for you and your adorable family-the girls will make amazing big sisters :) You have the sweetest family, and I can't wait to see what this little guy looks like, considering you make the most stinkin cute girls!
