
Monday, April 16, 2012

Big Changes Ahead!

Well, I guess I should have posted about this a while ago…but things have been a little busy around here! 

The big news?  We’re moving to Utah!  This decision has been months and months in the making, but now we’re anxious and excited to make the transition.  The whole first part of this year has been somewhat of an emotional roller-coaster trying to plan for our future.  We’d think for sure we were staying here, then settle on heading back to Utah and back and forth a hundred times.  With that came excitement of being back by family again, followed by sadness of leaving our home & friends and the Oregon we’ve grown to love…followed by anticipation, then disappointment and then just plain frustration at the unknown of where in the world we would end up!  I’m sure the pregnancy hormones didn’t help much in this process, but it was a wild time for me and by the end, I just wanted to know what we were doing so I could have something to prepare for!  I think Nate felt the same way.  When a pretty concrete job offer here in Eugene fell through at the last minute, we quickly turned in an application for the Utah BAR and our plans were set.  It still feels bittersweet as we truly will miss our Oregon home and have made so many amazing friends that will be hard to leave behind.  However, we look forward to being near both of our families and back to the home we know and love so well.  I think at heart I’ve always been a Utah girl! 

Unfortunately, along with the big move comes a lot of craziness!  In a short 2 month time-period we have to get our house ready to sell, put it on the market, have a baby and a graduation, pack up our house and move.  I can’t say I’m terribly excited about moving 3-weeks post c-section and with a newborn, but with the support of our amazing friends and family who have already offered so much, I’m sure we will survive!  We’ve already started prepping the girls for the move and it’s been really fun to see their enthusiasm.  I don’t think they necessarily realize that they won’t get to see this house or their friends anymore, but the thought of frequent visits with their grandparents and cousins has them as excited as can be!  Just about every day they ask if today’s the day we can move to Utah.  We’ve had to continually go over all the things that have to happen before then.  First it was Easter, then Makenna’s birthday, then Bridger’s birthday (we’re pretty sure that will be his name!), then daddy’s graduation, THEN we can move to Utah. :)  It’s also cute to see the things that they are concerned about.  Makenna is frequently lost in thought and then asking things like, “Will we take my clock with us when we move?”  No matter how many times we tell her everything in our whole house gets to come with us, she’s always concerned that something might get left behind.  Also, whenever we’ve told her that we need to keep the house clean so that somebody will come look at it and want to buy it, she gets teary eyed and says something like, “But then I won’t have a bedroom anymore”.  Moving must be a crazy idea in the eyes of a child!  It definitely takes a lot of prepping and reassuring on the part of the parents.  (Although I’m sure when all is said and done and we’re settled in Utah, she won’t have a care in the world.)  Oh to be a kid again!

Anyway, the actual moving date is set for Sunday May 20th.  Nate has graduation on Saturday May 19th and BAR prep in Utah starts on Monday the 21st, so the date was chosen mostly by default.  That is going to be one busy week!  We are going to pack up the truck on Friday night and stay in a hotel for graduation.  Then poor Nate has a 12-hour drive in one day and has to get ready to start the rigors of BAR prep the next morning.  Ouch!  Luckily I’ll have the support of family to help with the kids & getting settled in so at least he won’t have that on his shoulders as well.  Yep, definitely going to be a crazy couple months!  Then on to our next adventures…  Wish us luck!


  1. Crazy times, I've been there! Well, my baby wasn't quite so new, nor was it my third, but I think I understand what your next few months will hold nonetheless! :) Good luck with everything!

  2. BUSY! That's so exciting though!

  3. Wow...crazy busy! I'm excited you guys are moving back to Utah though. If you need help with anything please let me know. Btw I broke my phone so you should text me your number again. :)

  4. While I am so sad for all of your (our:) friends in Eugene who are going to be so sad to see you go...I'm so happy that we'll live in the same state! We HAVE to get together once you're all settled in! That is so exciting that Nate's graduation has finally come. Yay! And I LOVE the name Bridger!! Such a handsome name for what will surely be a handsome boy. :) Good luck with the busy months ahead, Brooke! And especially good luck with your c-section!

  5. I know how you feel moving from Eugene... but we are excited to have you guys in Utah. We may be moving down to Davis County... I will keep you posted. Good luck with the little baby! Cant wait to see him.
