
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fun with my Not-So-Shy daughters

Sage is not shy around strangers...at all.  And it's starting to rub off on Makenna.  Sometimes it's cute, others a bit embarrassing.  I'll let you make your own conclusions about the following comments to completely random people:

At Jiffy Lube to the nice gentleman giving us our car info - Kenna: "Can I tell you something?" Stranger #1: "Sure, what is it?" (crouching down to her level),  Kenna: "My dad said that if I was brave in the tub today I could get a sticker because I'm almost 4, but I cried so I didn't get a sticker.  And he said I can't turn 4 unless I'm brave."

At Old Navy talking to the cashier & pointing to the jar of Ring Pops they have conveniently placed next to the cash register - Sage: "Do you have money to buy one of these for me?  My mom doesn't have any money."  Stranger #2: "Um, I don't have any money for those, but I have a sticker you can have."  Sage: "Well, but do you have money for one of THESE?"  And sadly this conversation happened TWICE with the same guy because I had a question about my receipt the first time & had to check out the second.

At Winco staring at a lady with a large bandage on her face - Kenna: "Mom, why does she have a big bandaid on her face?"  Sage: "Mom, was she bleeding?" (the only time the girls get bandaids...) :)  Lady/Stranger #3 who has (of course) heard the girls talking about her: "Yep, I got a sore on my face"  Sage: "But why is it so BIG?", followed by Kenna: "But what did you DO?"  Okay girls, time for a new isle!

At Costco checking out with some pull-ups - Sage: "These are pull-ups for me!"  Stranger #4: "Yeah, and I see you got princess ones.  How old are you?"  Sage: "I'm 2!"  Kenna:  "And I'm 3, so I don't need pull-ups anymore, but my favorite princess is Belle."  Sage: "And mine is Tangled" (she forgets that her name is actually Rapunzel), Kenna: "And we're going to go to Disneyland, but our jar has to get filled up first, but I got money in my Easter Eggs and we put it in the jar, but it isn't full yet...."  Followed by random thoughts from Sage who then gets overtaken by Kenna talking even louder, followed by Sage throwing in some other tid-bits of information until the poor guy is behind on his cart loading by two shoppers and I have to save him by pushing the girls toward the door as they are still calling out about their favorite princesses.

At the Realtor's office, in the women's restroom - Kenna: "Mom, only girls can go in the girls bathroom, right?", Me: "Yes, that's right", Kenna: "Well how come there's a boy in here?", Me: "There aren't any boys in here", Kenna: "Yeah, look under that door, those are boy shoes, that means there's a boy in there."  And what'dya  say to that one when the bathroom is completely quiet and you know the one other person in there can obviously hear every word your child is saying?!  I'm sure I followed with something like "Okay, well let's get you on the potty..."  Diversion is always the answer.  (Followed by waiting till they're gone before coming out of your stall!)

This is all within the past week.  Maybe I should stop taking them on errands with me. :)

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! Kids are the best :) Luckily people don't usually get offended by them. The worst is when they get real chatty in the public bathroom! "Mom, do you hear that noise? Who is that mom? Why are they making that noise?" At which point we exit as fast as possible :)
